Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wedding Invite

 The old, more antique, version.

then my sister told me she wanted a more modern, simple invitation, involving a little story about how her and Karim met. so i developed this invitation with the same colors she wanted from the beginning.  

Monday, November 29, 2010

Two of the Finished Projects

Enjoy! - Still perfecting the type book, and thinking about my final proj. for next week.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Nicole gave me the idea of using the Emigre typeface Missionary for my Shakespeare book, when I researched the font I loved the whole Emigre style and wanted to form a new book around it.  I used only their typefaces and their style, and developed a new type book about the decades of rock n' roll; I wanted each page to look like a mini poster. Emigre is known for their cutting-edge typefaces and their publication design, therefore I wanted to incorporate an editorial look along with their beautiful typefaces.

- Emigre Design
- Designer: Sibylle Hagmann
- 1999
- Rather than trying to imitate letterpress technology, the designer tried to take advantage of the idiosyncrasies of bitmap design, dot matrix printing, and vector-based design. Developed to be used as either display or body copy.

- Emigre
- Designer: Zuzana Licko
- 1996
- The Filosofia Grand family is intended for display applications and is therefore more delicate and refined.  Filosofia Unicase was developed to have stylistic variants to provide flexibility for headline use.

Tarzana - Wide/Narrow
- Emigre
- Designer: Zuzana Licko
- 1998
- Tarzana is not intended to be used as a body copy font; It's sans-serif design is slightly curved, it is used mostly for logo's or headlines.  

slight appearance of - 
(both also emigre fonts)